Bc C128 Hd Wide Font Free

Posted By admin On 14.08.19
Quidic Very Wide Very Wide
Wide Noise

Set the Font of the Text box as - BC C128 HD Medium. This free online barcode generator uses our Barcode components. Bc C128 Hd Wide Font Number 1. Format with font, font color, highlight color, bold, italic, underline, subscript, superscript, indent more or less, bullet or number lists, align left, center, right, Bc C128 Hd Wide Font justify, line spacing and ltr Bc C128 Hd Wide Font rtl.

Impact Wide
Jingle Wide
Super Wide MF
Uni Wide
Aaux Next Wide Black
Aaux Next Wide Bold
Aaux Next Wide Hairline
Aaux Next Wide Light
Aaux Next Wide Medium
Aaux Next Wide Regular
Aaux Next Wide Thin
Aaux Next Wide Ultra
Abia Wide 4F Thin
Clarendon Wide SC-Bold
Clarendon Wide SC-Medium
Clarendon Wide SC-Regular
Clarendon Wide Sketch
Clarendon Wide Stencil
Clarendon Wide-Bold
Clarendon Wide-Medium
Clarendon Wide-Regular
Copperplate Wide Bold
Copperplate Wide Light
Copperplate Wide Medium
Copperplate Wide Regular
Copperplate Wide Thin
Egyptian Wide Bold
Impact Wide Italic
Metroflex Wide Bold
Metroflex Wide Heavy
Metroflex Wide Light
Metroflex Wide Med
Metroflex Wide Obl
Metroflex Wide Reg
Reservation Wide Black
Reservation Wide Bold
Reservation Wide Regular
Debs Wide
Debs Wide Twopack
Debs Wide Black
CA Zaracusa Wide Regular
CA Zaracusa Wide Bold
CA Zaracusa Wide Italic
MCM Hellenic Wide
Oksana Sans Wide
Aaux Next Wide Black Italic
Aaux Next Wide Bold Italic
Aaux Next Wide Hairline Italic
Aaux Next Wide Light Italic
Aaux Next Wide Medium Italic
Aaux Next Wide Regular Italic
Bc C128 Hd Wide Font Free
Aaux Next Wide Semi Bold
Aaux Next Wide Thin Italic
Aaux Next Wide Ultra Italic
Abia Wide 4F Thin Italic
Clarendon Wide Sketch-Bold
Clarendon Wide Stencil-Bold
Metroflex Wide Bold Obl
Metroflex Wide Bold OSF
Metroflex Wide Heavy Obl
Metroflex Wide Heavy OSF
Metroflex Wide Light Obl
Metroflex Wide Light OSF
Metroflex Wide Med Obl
Metroflex Wide Med OSF
Metroflex Wide Obl OSF
Metroflex Wide Reg OSF
Reservation Wide Black Oblique
Reservation Wide Bold Oblique
Reservation Wide Regular Oblique
CA Zaracusa Wide Italic Alternates
CA Zaracusa Wide Regular Alternates
CA Zaracusa Wide Bold Alternates
CA Zaracusa Wide Light Alternates
CA Zaracusa Wide Light Italic
CA Zaracusa Wide Light
CA Zaracusa Wide Bold Italic
LifeAfterCollege Wide
OL Franklin-Wide SC
Saloon Wide
Aaux Next Wide Semi Bold Italic
Metroflex Wide Bold Obl OSF
Metroflex Wide Heavy Obl OSF
Metroflex Wide Light Obl OSF
Metroflex Wide Med Obl OSF
CA Zaracusa Wide Bold Italic Alternates
CA Zaracusa Wide Light Italic Alternates
Oksana Sans Wide Bold
Oksana Sans Wide DemiBold
Oksana Sans Wide Heavy
Oksana Sans Wide Light
Oksana Sans Wide Thin
Jingle Wide
Smokehouse Wide
Condor Wide Black
Condor Wide Bold
Condor Wide Light
Condor Wide Medium

Bar code fonts are added to your computer just like any type font. You can then use them in any application just by changing to the bar code font like you would with any font.

The main problem using bar codes fonts to print using a word processor is printing the barcode at too small a point size. A small point size requires a higher resolution printer to render a readable bar code. Bar code printing programs prevent this problem from occurring. Most bar code printing programs will not print a bar code unless the narrowest bar is at least three dots wide. If you are using a 300 dpi printer, don't select a point size for a bar code font less than 24 point.

Here is a list of bar code fonts. If your company has a shareware or demo of barcode fonts and would like to be listed on this page, send an email to BarCode-1 including a short description and the link.

Code 39 Bar Code Fonts

If you want a quick way to print barcode from application programs like Word or Excel and you will be only scanning the barcode in-house, Code 39 (also called Code 3 of 9) bar code is your best choice. The barcode can print capital letters and numbers and does not require a check character. On the other hand, if you are producing barcodes that will be scanned by your customers or others outside your company, there are other considerations. Some industries require different types of barcodes printed in specific ways with specific types of information.

If you are using a Code 39 barcode font, you'll need to put an '*' (asterisk) at the beginning and end of the data. That's because the '*' (asterisk) is the start and stop character for Code 39 barcode. If you need to use a space character, try using the '~' instead of a normal space. Some bar code fonts also define a space character with a '_' (underscore) or a '!' (exclamation). You can also try setting the barcode font as graphics in the printer driver settings. This will will print a space as a barcode space, and not as white space.

If you need to print using a barcode font using Microsoft Access 2000, try '*' & [FieldNameWithValue] & '*'. If you need to print using Clarion, the format is loc:barcode='*'&left(clip(KAT:ID_NUMBER))&'*'.

If you are printing using word processing software, you may have to change autocorrect and autoformat settings. The '*' start and stop character can be interpreted as a code to 'bold' the barcode and this will make it unreadable.

For details about Code 39, see the Code 39 Page. Here is a list with links to freeware and shareware Code 39 barcode fonts.

  • 3 of 9 Barcode Font - Windows True Type and Macintosh System 7 True Type Code 39 bar code font. For more information, contact the author Paul Andre LeBlanc.

  • 3 of 9 new is a Windows True Type font that is a modified version of '3 of 9 Barcode Font' above that overcomes the SPACE character problem. This is the barcode font we use. If you want to print a space, use the exclamation mark for this font. Author Karl Snyder of Boulder Software (no current email address).

  • Abri Bar Code 39 TTF Windows fonts demo is a set of six precision Barcode 39 fonts. The whole set is only $75 for single user and $150 royalty free. More information is available at the Abri site.

  • Azalea Code 39 Barcode Fonts Azalea software has a True Type font set for Windows, Mac, Unix and Linux. They have free sample code and a great FAQ too. From Azalea Software.

  • barcod39.zip is a Code 39 Barcode Font [True type].

  • code39.zip is a demo TTF for printing Code 39 bar code from stethos Systemhaus GmbH. They also have font cartridges, SIMMs and DIMMs for the HP line of printers. You can download the manuals for these products from their site.

  • code 39.ttf (you need to right mouse click to download) was sent in by Vicente Aranzana from Spain who developed it using Corel Draw 6. It is a Code 39 true type font for Windows

  • Carolinia Barcode (use to be Finley's Barcode) (alternate download site for an older version of Finley's Barcode Font) is a Crippled Windows True type and Adobe type 1 Code 39 bar code font. Registration for a single user is $29. For more information visit the web site.

  • Free 3of9 Barcode is from Matthew Welch. It is a free True type font for printing Code 39 bar code. More information is available at Matthew's site.

  • Free Barcode Font From IDAutomation.com. This easy to install and use Free Code 39 True type Barcode Font allows printing of numeric bar codes. The Barcode installation includes examples for use in Microsoft Access, Excel and Word.

  • Bar Code 3 of 9 is a Windows functioning bar code 3/9 True type font set. Includes encoding program, 6 different aspect ratios of each font in both standard and human readable formats. From Elfring Soft Fonts. More information about the product is available here.

Code 93 Bar Code Fonts

  • Bar code 93 is a Windows bar code 93 True type font set. Includes checksum calculator and encoding program, 6 different aspect ratios of each font in both standard and human readable formats. From Elfring Soft Fonts. More information about the product is available here.

  • Azalea Code 93 Barcode Fonts Azalea software has a True Type font set for Windows, Mac, Unix and Linux. They have free sample code and a great FAQ too. From Azalea Software.

Code 128 Bar Code Fonts

Code 128 barcode allows the full 128 ASCII character set to be printed. For more details about the advantages of Code 128, see the Code 128 Page.

Bc C128 Hd Wide Font Free
  • code128b.zip is a freeware Code 128 Postscript Font from one of BarCode1's visitors, Rick Brown. The program is designed to print character set B, but can be made to print character set A and C.

  • Azalea Code 128 Barcode Fonts Azalea software has a True Type font set for Windows, Mac, Unix and Linux. They have free sample code and a great FAQ too. From Azalea Software.

  • Bar code 128 is Windows bar code 128 True type font set with subsets A, B, C, and UCC/EAN in standard and human readable formats. Includes checksum calculator and encoding program. From Elfring Soft Fonts. More information about the product is available here.

  • Bizfonts Code 128 barcode fonts allow you to print Code 128 (character sets A, B & C,) UCC-128, EAN-128, SSCC-18 and SCC-14 barcodes from MS Windows, Macintosh, UNIX and variety of other operating systems; True type, BDF, FON, PCL laserjet soft fonts, PostScript (type 1) Binary and ASCII versions are provided. More information about the product is available here.

DataMatrix Bar Code Fonts

DataMatrix (also called UPScode or ECC200) is a 2-D matrix barcode designed to pack a lot of information in a very small space. For more information, see the 2-D Page.

  • Data Matrix Font and Encoder is used for printing the DataMatrix bar code as a font. It can used on any operating system that supports Java class libraries or a Windows COM DLL and can print using True type, BDF, FON, PCL laserjet soft fonts, PostScript (type 1) Binary or PostScript ASCII fonts. A demo is available as a free download. From IDAutomation.com, Inc.

  • Azalea Software DataMatrix Barcode Fonts is demoware that has a True Type font set for Windows, Mac, Unix and Linux. They have free sample code and a great FAQ too. From Azalea Software.

Interleaved 2 of 5 Bar Code Fonts & 2 of 5 Bar Code Fonts

Fonts for printing interleaved 2 of 5 require some program macros to print readable bar code. It is not a simple case of typing some data and switching the font to i2 of 5. For more information about this code, see the Interleaved 2 of 5 Page.

  • Azalea Software Interleaved 2of5 Barcode Fonts Azalea software has a True Type font set for Windows, Mac, Unix and Linux. They have free sample code and a great FAQ too.

  • Bar Code 2/5 Interleaved is a Windows bar code 2/5 interleaved True type font set. Includes encoding program, 6 different aspect ratios of each font in both standard and human readable formats. From Elfring Soft Fonts. More information about the product is available here.

  • IDAutomation.com, Inc. Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode fonts allow you to print Interleaved 2 of 5 bar codes from systems supporting True type or PostScript fonts. Six (6) versions of the Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode fonts are provided to support different width and height requirements. More information can be found at the IDAutomation site.

  • i2of5txt.zip is the product of Daniel Lajeunesse's (Chaos MicroSystems) frustration looking for bar code shareware fonts. The zip file includes very good instructions on how to put the bar code together (check character etc.).

OCR-A Fonts & OCR-B Fonts
  • Bar Codes & More is a Windows bar code True type font set. Includes OCR-A & OCR-B, 2/5, 2/5 interleaved, 3/9, PostNet, and UPC-A symbologies plus encoding program and 3 different aspect ratios of each bar code font. From Elfring Soft Fonts. More information about the product is available here.

  • Bizfonts OCR-A and OCR-B fonts are special fonts that are used for optical character recognition systems. The OCR-A and OCR-B Character sets contain upper case and lower case letters, numbers, and several special characters. More information about the product is available here.

PDF417 Bar Code Fonts

For more information about PDF417, see the 2-D Page.

  • Here is PDF417 implemented as a font. From IDAutomation.com, Inc.

  • Azalea Software PDF 417 Barcode Fonts Azalea software has a True Type font set for Windows, Mac, Unix and Linux. They have free sample code and a great FAQ too. From Azalea Software.

Postnet Bar Code Fonts
  • uspsbc.exe (self extracting file) is a Postnet True Type Font for Windows in a 12 pt Size which can be used to print US Postal Bar Codes. It can be used from within Data Base Programs, Spread Sheets, and Word Processors. Enclosed is also a sample x-base program for assigning the bar code print field within a data base. For more information contact Terry L. Johnson.

  • Abri US PostNet font demo is fully operational except digit 0 font is replaced with the 'ABRI' string. Planetcode is included with the registered version. More information is available at the Abri site.

  • Azalea Software POSTNET Barcode Fonts Azalea software has a True Type font set for Windows, Mac, Unix and Linux. They have free sample code and a great FAQ too. From Azalea Software.

  • uspstt.zip is a Postnet True Type Font for Windows. For more information contact TAZ Information Services, Inc..

  • Bar Codes & More is a Windows bar code True type font set. Includes OCR-A & OCR-B, 2/5, 2/5 interleaved, 3/9, PostNet, and UPC-A symbologies plus encoding program and 3 different aspect ratios of each bar code font. From Elfring Soft Fonts. More information about the product is available here.

  • A Postnet TTF. The author is unknown.

  • spostnet.zip is a demo TTF and Postscript font package for printing Postnet postal bar code and FIM bar code. This sample PostNet font should only be used for testing and evaluation purposes because it does not contain the number '5' and it does not contain any of the FIM bar codes or symbols. If you order the PostNet font license, you will receive fully functional True type and PostScript versions of the PostNet font with the FIM bar codes included. To order the fully functional PostNet font containing all symbols. More information is available at IDAutomation.com

UPC Bar Code Fonts, & EAN Bar Code Fonts

Novecento Wide Font Free

Fonts for printing EAN and UPC require some program macros to print readable bar code. It is not a simple case of typing some data and switching the font to EAN or UPC. For details about UPC/EAN, see the UPC/EAN Page.

  • IDAutomation.com, Inc. UPC/EAN barcode fonts allow printing of UPC, EAN, JAN and ISBN bar codes from systems supporting True type or PostScript fonts such as Windows, Macintosh and UNIX. For more information about UPC/EAN fonts in general see the IDAutomation site.

  • Bar Codes & More is a Windows bar code True type font set. Includes OCR-A & OCR-B, 2/5, 2/5 interleaved, 3/9, PostNet, and UPC-A symbologies plus encoding program and 3 different aspect ratios of each bar code font. From Elfring Soft Fonts. More information about the product is available here.

  • ean-13.zipupc-a.zip and upc-e.zip are the product of Daniel Lajeunesse's (Chaos MicroSystems) frustration looking for bar code shareware fonts. The zip file includes very good instructions on how to put the bar code together (check character etc.).

  • Abri UPC and EAN TTF Windows fonts demo is a set of three precision UPC (Universal Product Code) and EAN (European Article Numbering) international retail product code fonts for high barcode scanning accuracy and speed in your application. Registered fonts come with easy to use FoxPro and C source code functions UPCA( ) and EAN13( ). Demo is fully operational except digit 0 bars are replaced with the 'ABRI' vertical string. More information is available at the Abri site.

  • Azalea UPC/EAN Barcode Fonts Azalea software has a True Type font set for Windows, Mac, Unix and Linux. They have free sample code and a great FAQ too. From Azalea Software.

Downloadable Laserjet Bar Code Fonts

These fonts can be downloaded to a HP laser printer under DOS or UNIX.

  • Bar Codes & More is a DOS, Unix, or mainframe functioning bar code PCL font set. Includes OCR-A & OCR-B, 2/5, 2/5 interleaved, 3/9, PostNet, and UPC-A symbologies with 3 different aspect ratios of each bar code font. From Elfring Soft Fonts. More information about the product is available here.

  • OCR A&B and Code 39 are demos for a PCL soft font to download on a HP LaserJet. More information about the product is available in German and in English.

Postscript Bar Code Programs

These programs can be used to print bar codes from any Postscript laser printer under DOS, UNIX or any other operating system.

  • A Code 39 Postscript Program. No documentation. Just open it up using a text editor to see the source.

  • Here is another Code 39 Postscript Program. There is some documentation at the beginning of the program. Just open it up using a text editor to see the source. You may have problems with embedded carriage returns. The file pcode39.ps is fixed so it does not have embedded carriage returns.

Bar Code Programs in BASIC

These programs can be used to print bar codes from laser printer under DOS, UNIX or any other operating system.

  • Here is a Code 39 BASIC Program that uses PCL. No documentation. Just open it up using a text editor to see the source.

Checksum Calculators For Bar Code

These programs calculate checksums required for some bar code symbologies.

  • Bizfonts Bar Code Check Digit Calculator & Printing Application with Visual Basic source code works with POSTNET, Code 39, Codabar, Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 128 (sets A, B & C), UPC-A, EAN-13, EAN-8, EAN-128, UCC-128, MSI / Plessey, Code 11, RM4SCC, 4-State, SSCC-18 and SCC-14 barcode specifications.

  • A complimentary program to calculate check digits for UPC, EAN, JAN, and ISBN barcodes and runs of Windows from Accession, Inc. .

  • Bar Code Check Digit Calculator & Printing Application for Barcode Fonts is an executable barcode application that will do the following: Calculate check digit or checksum characters for barcodes that require them, Show you the characters to type in to reproduce a correctly formatted barcode, Copy the entire barcode printable string to the clipboard, making it easy to paste bar codes into any Windows application, Print bar code fonts to your printer and provide source code to allow programmers to easily integrate barcode printing into their applications.

Other Commercial Bar Code Font Sources
  • Rivers Edge specializes in software and hardware for PC and Macintosh computers. They offer an extensive library of bar code fonts in Postscript, True type and HP Laserjet formats.

  • Datascan Font Service Ltd. sells a variety of bar code True Type fonts. They have some difficult to find ones too like Telepen.

  • IDAutomation.com sells a variety of bar code True Type and Postscript fonts.

More Bar Code Fonts Sources

You can find more companies that sell barcode font software here.